Darjeeling Hill Station – Darjeeling tourist places

Darjeeling Hill Station – Darjeeling tourist places

Among all of the Indian Hill Stations, the Darjeeling Hill Station is considered to be the queen due to its fresh and clean air, natural beauty as well as for its year round weather which seems to be always perfect. The tip of the Darjeeling Hill Station is on top of Mount Kanchenjunga which features the third highest peak in the world allowing a clear view at all the natural beauty along the tracks.

Basically a paradise for any visitor whether it is your first trip or even if you have taken the trip on a number of occasions, there is always something new to see. As one ascends the Darjeeling Hill Station first thing in the morning as the light begins to touch the mountain, the early morning mountain fog all around you, the feeling of peace is just amazing and soon everyone is smiling and enjoying the climb.

Upon arrival in Darjeeling, one can see a broad mixture of cultural diversity where one can meet people from both west as well as east Nepal. Also, main people of the plains region have found their way to Darjeeling and now call it home. Because of this expanse of cultural diversity, the cuisine found in Darjeeling is none the less as tasty as can be. A common meal here consists of curried momos which are basically steamed dumplings in curry sauce. As for a wine with your momos, you can try the jaad, which is a fermented rice wine made locally to Darjeeling.

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There is also a number of great places to see like the Batasia Loop which is basically a model train set that many consider to be a marvel of engineering. After stopping by and checking out the Batasia Loop, you can check out the local shops near by and find locally made decorative items at a fairly cheap price. There is also the Bhutia Busty Gompa which is a local Phodang monastery. If you are really into checking out things from the past, then you will want to check out the library at Bhutia Busty Gompa because it contains a printing of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

While in Darjeeling, do not forget to stop by and check out all the great exotic Himalayan flowers which can be found in the local Botanical Gardens after which you can head over to Chowrasta to do a little local shopping. With so much to do in Darjeeling, you will not want to leave even when you know it is time to go.



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