Packing tips for this winter

It is a known fact that you can’t travel happy, heartily and cheap; you need to pick any two options. A good traveller is someone who knows the meaning of how to travel light and who knows how to travel light but comfortably. Pack unnecessarily items and you are dragging bulk to the airports and new cities. Under-pack means that you will find yourself searching shops in unfamiliar places for what you forgot to carry.

Smart, minimalist packing not only offers freedom to enjoy mobility and time but also save you from paying excessive bag-checking fees at the airport. Here are some tips on how to pack bags like an experienced traveller while still looking like the pulled together individual.

Backpack- wheeled or a convertible- It depends upon your choice of luggage. It really impacts your packing style in a big way. So, before you consider which suitcase to take from, check your airline carry on baggage instructions to avoid extra charges.

Tip- The compact design wheeled bags may attract you in carrying them. But they have several disadvantages like they weigh several kilos more and delude people into thinking that they don’t need to pack it light. New, state-of-the-art luggage designs have entered the market, but you should stick to style that suits you.

Compress clothing- The bulk of luggage is clothing. And when you are planning to travel to cold climates, you are going the need to pack warm clothes. Layering is the key to success. Pack several thin, long sleeve T-shirts along with sweaters or cardigans that you can swap for alternate style. Go for dark clothes that dry promptly and don’t wrinkle. Moreover, it is fun to shop for accessories and clothes as you travel another reason to start with.

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Tip- If you are planning to spend long time outdoors, go for a base layer to keep your legs warm. They don’t occupy much space.

Go with boots- Majority of the frequent travellers agree that two or three pair of boots like flip-flops, boots, etc. should be sufficient for a winter vacation. Pick a pair of decent, sturdy boots that go well for a hike and also for a dinner. Select dark colour ones, so that they won’t show stains from mud or slush.

Tip- Boots are one of the bulkiest items in your packing list, so wear them instead. Consider going for boots with zippers because they are easy to move while walking.

Wear the heaviest items- This tip really help to make the coldest day warm, but coats, gloves and scarves typically take up too much space in a suitcase. Smarten up and wear coat to the airport as it comes handy during a flight- it serves as a comfortable pillow or blanket for extra warmth.

Tip- To save space, stuff your hats and gloves in your coat pocket or sleeves and tie your scarf to carry-on bag.

Add additional accessories- The easiest way to have lot of options is to pack accessories. Women especially can pack accessories, belts and inexpensive junk jewellery, which will make any outfit unique.

Tip-Don’t forget to carry a pair of polarised glasses. These glasses will protect your eyes from harsh winter sunlight, especially when you are driving.

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Moisturizers and Lip Balm- Winter can create havoc to the healthy skin, if not taken care of. So, buy packs of cream that contain excessive moisture. For example, if you use a cream for dry skin on the trip. Your skin will acknowledge you extra colour and comfort as creams with additional moisture content, don’t dry out faster.

Tip-You will need relief for the parts of your face which are most exposed like nose and lips. So, ensure that you pack multi-purpose lip balm or petroleum jelly.


Don’t pack entire beauty routine- Do not carry your 500 ml shampoo and conditioner bottles and other products you require to tame your hair. Select for a shampoo and conditioner combo instead. The same applies to make-up products; go for travel sized multi-purpose products.

More clothes than you require- You don’t require extra outfits or need to change outfit three times in a day like a celebrity. Carry small packets of detergent, so that you can wash clothes in your hotel; if you need to use the similar pair again.

Jewellery and Valuables- You may be used to wearing your Rolex watch or wedding ring, but it is best to not carry these items. You certainly do not want to be a target for thieves.

Excessive Gadgets- Gadgets occupy more space in your space as they require excessive accessories like spare batteries, chargers and adaptors. So, even if you are addicted to gadgets, stick to the ones that are really important.

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Things that you can buy- You don’t require to pack winter’s supply like sanitary napkins, deodorants, cold creams and razors thinking that they are not available there. Majority of these supermarkets stock these products. So, pack simple sized items and save money.

Hard copies of guide- Instead of carrying hard copy of travel guide, download your guide in a pdf format and save it on phone or tablet.


Jyoti Bhatia

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