Bandipur National Park

Bandipur National Park

Located only 80 kilometers from the Ooty Hill Station you can find the Bandipur National Park sprawled out on a lush 874 square kilometer tract of land which contains a wide variety of both plants and animals but is most noted for its elephants and guars. Considered to be one of India’s best-known wildlife preserves and nestled atop the Deccan Plateau, one can find an almost peace with the natural surroundings found in this oasis of life.

It was back in 1973 when the Bandipur National Park was declared as such under the Wildlife Protection Act as one of the first Tiger Reserves in India. Out of the many parks in India, there are 9 which have been classified under the Project Tiger as being a tiger reserve.

At the edges of this natural wonder you will find an almost dry and deciduous vegetation but as you moth further inwards the forests becomes more of a mixed tropical one. It is during the pre-monsoon season which life seems to flourish the most making this period of the year one of the best for visiting the park. With the pending monsoons on their way, the local birds begin their mating season and the Asian Elephants too find their way to the lush green grasses which start to form on the bed of this enchanted national park.

It is during these months between April and October which the park is best observed but that does not mean that you cannot find substantial wildlife the remainder of the year. The elephants and guar can be seen almost year round thanks to the nearby Kabini Reservoir and the whole park with all its animals is nothing less than a spectacular site for anyone to see.

Also Read -> Velavadar Black Buck National Park

If you are not staying at the Ooty Hill Station, you can still get to Bandipur National Park by several means as it is only 80 kilometers from Mysore which is the closest railway station and roughly 220 kilometers from Banglore which hoses the nearest airport. Regardless as to how you get to the Bandipur National Park you will none the less be amazed at the many wonders which can be found within the parks borders. Just make sure that you are prepared for a long day of large animal watching because this park is known for being filled with some of India’s largest beasts.


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