Foods that every Yoga traveler should consume while on go

We all strive for pencil thin body like models and everlasting glow that never fades away, but all goes to vain when it comes to eating healthy food. It is said, “Just because you are not sick, and doesn’t mean you are healthy”. Since ages, there has been importance of eating right food and avoiding junk food, but with the surge of internet the importance of health and nutrition is further highlighted.

Though we all know Yoga is the best way to create a balance between mind and body. But do you think Yoga is a magic band for fitness? Well, the efforts may bear no fruits if you consume food that breaks your soul. Therefore, it is important to eat right food. In this blog post, we have enlisted foods that are best for yoga practitioner or an individual seeking healthy and spiritual path. Here are some tips if you are one among travelling Yogis.

Foods that every Yogic traveler should consume

Yogis believe in the fact that food is important to restore our pranas to sustain vitality and healthy mind. Therefore, the kind of food that we choose to eat reflects the level the level of our mind. As the age old adage goes, “you are what you eat”. The discipline of Yoga suggests you to follow pure vegetarian diet, which facilitates the development of inner conscious.

Why sattvic food?

The basis of vegetarian diet lies behind the concept of ahimsa (do good to others). A vegetarian diet avoids any kind of foods that involve killing and harming of animals. This diet also encourages you to eat food grown with nature and foods that are grown naturally. In addition to the foods that we consume should be prepared with love and positivity. The below-mentioned are suggested yogic foods that you should consume and avoid. These suggestions work best for any kind of yoga practitioner or individual seeking for healthy and spiritual life.

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Foods that you should consume when practicing yoga sessions

  • Any kind of fruits, especially those are naturally sweet
  • All kind of vegetables, except garlic and onion
  • Whole grains like oats, wheat and rie
  • Beans, mung, aduki
  • Tofu
  • Plant based oil like sunflower, olive and sesame oil
  • Nuts and solid when consumed in its original form
  • Natural raw sugar, molasses, maple
  • Herbal tea, lime water or lemon
  • Spices like cardamom, cinnamon, basil, turmeric, cumin, fennel and ginger
  • Above all foods prepared with positivity, gratitude and thankfulness

Foods that you need to avoid when following yoga sessions

  • Non vegetarian food like fish, eat, including eggs
  • Processed or artificial food, junk food, artificial sweeteners and fizzy drinks
  • Animal fat and cheese
  • Fried potatoes or foods
  • Canned foods, except naturally canned food like tomato and other fruits
  • White sugar and flour
  • Garlic, onion
  • Foods overloaded with spices
  • Stale Food or overly cooked dishes
  • Microwave foods
  • Avoid consumption of hard beverages, tobacco and stimulants
  • Foods that are genetically made
  • Foods that are eaten in rush or disturbed way

When all these suggestions are followed in its true form, your mind, body and spirit will get benefitted. Foe maximum benefit, follow these dietary suggestion with asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation.

The caution

Remember, food is of four types. These are liquids which can be drunk; solids which are eaten by teeth and semi solids that are taken by the way of licking; and there are soft foods that can be gulped down without mastication. So, while on travel eat healthy and well balanced diet not a rich diet. A rich diet produces ailments of liver, stomach, pancreas and kidney. Also, well balanced diet helps individual to grow and keeps up the efficiency, vigor, and vim.

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In a nutshell, if you are true yogi or wish to attain spiritual path, consume healthy and well balanced diet. It really helps!


Jyoti Bhatia

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