Shravasti – A Holy Destination

If you want to attain enlightenment or wish to take the road less travelled, a trip to Shravasti is much- needed destination. The city occupies a famous landmark in the history of Buddhism and offers the tourist a glimpse on Buddhist heritage. The ruins or devastation present here has been popularly called as Sahet and Mahet. Sahet is the Buddhist monastery site and is popularly called as Jetvahana Vihar, which is located on the outskirts of the city and Mahet is known to be located 500 m away from Sahet and denotes the ancient city. Both of these are famous tourist destinations.Holy destinations in Shravasti– Shravasti holds immense significance in the eyes of Buddhist and Jain religion. The third Tirthankar was born here in Shravasti and there he attained enlightenment. Shravasti is a holy destination that occupies a special place in Jain mythology This is closely associated with Gautam Buddha’s life. Gautam Buddha has spent 24 chaumases here.Old stupas majestic viharas, many temples situated near the village of SAHET-MAHET confirms the Buddha association with it. In 5th century it had a population of around 9, 00,000 and it overshadowed the capital of Magadha’s Rajgir.As mentioned in old books name of this city was MAHID in fourteenth- century, later on, was named as SAHET-MAHET is said that a vast fort covered the city with many temples of Devkulikas. During the excavation of the old city is said to be found ancient idols and inscriptions, which are still kept in a museum.
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SHRAVASTI is the historic part of Awadh carved out from Gonda District on south and Bahraich on the west. This also has a border with Balrampur on the east. The place is connected to Nepal’s district Dang-Deukhuri.SHRAVASTI is a part of Buddhist circuit, here Lord Buddha performed the miracle of sitting on a 1000 petal lotus multiplying himself millions of times. Fire and water emitted from his body. Ashoka the great emperor, later on, visited the place to commemorate Buddha’s visit. The pillars are constructed by him which is the main attraction there. It is the Buddhist heritage destination in India.Shravastibeing capital of kingdom Kosala was known for its religious and trading prosperity. The most important religious place was Jetwana Monastery erected in a garden outside the walls of the city. It was presented to Buddha by a famous wealthy banker Anathapindaka. Buddha instructed his followers, his body as the body of the monarch and then to distribute relics among the various groups of his lay followers. These relics were subsequently collected and kept in a single stupa. Later on by next century king Asoka distributed these relics to be kept in around 84000 stupas.Anathapindika stupa is one of the major monuments in Shravasti, holds immense significance among the followers of Buddhism.Angulimala Stupa was excavated along with other ruins of the Shravasti city it still lies in ruins.This being the prime attraction place.Angulimala was a dreaded dacoit being blessed by Buddha and later on, he becomes an ardent follower.
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Shravasti being the religious importance for Jain sect. The third Tirthankar Lord Sambhavnath was born here and later on, he attained the light of knowledge through the meditation. He has taken diksha at Sahetuk forest when he gave up his luxury life. This place is now considered as the holy place at Shravasti.There are several monuments at Shravasti during the time of Buddha but it has been converted into the ruins but now has been re-established by lord Cunnigham in the year 1863 during excavation.Shravasti is the main Buddhist cultural religious center for the followers of Lord Buddha. Thousand of people still visit this place to pay their homage to Lord Buddha.

Jyoti Bhatia

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Wed Oct 23 , 2019
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